5:24 PTG

The lag is gone?

Well i played on Essence today, and it seems like the cl_entityflushpacket and 300+ ping disease is gone (Not really confirmed) because i played smoothly on 60+ ping constant (At around 8.30 am today) . So you all might want to try to play at Essence because i need to confirm that the problem is gone.

5:33 PG


Want to be an admin? Feel the pleasure of banning and harrassing people? Then wait no more! (Macam iklan krupuk ta plg). We are offering you the position, for a tiny bit of donation!!

B$5.00 - VIP Position (With the ability to kick/changemap/restartround) + additional 1 slot to the server (Yippee!!)

B$7.00 - VVIP Position (With the ability of all VIP Commands + Ban) + additional 1 slot to the server.

B$10.00 - Sub-Admin Position (With the ability to do all VIP And VVIP commands + additional 2 slots to the server + Blog access (not confirmed) )

So what are you waiting for? Contribute to Brunei Gaming industry now.!

Payment method :- Paypal or Meet up. (PLEASE E-mail me at stabilo_boy@hotmail.com before making any payment)

Essence Server Manager / Chief Admin