Well i played on Essence today, and it seems like the cl_entityflushpacket and 300+ ping disease is gone (Not really confirmed) because i played smoothly on 60+ ping constant (At around 8.30 am today) . So you all might want to try to play at Essence because i need to confirm that the problem is gone.
Pwning since '94
Want to be an admin? Feel the pleasure of banning and harrassing people? Then wait no more! (Macam iklan krupuk ta plg). We are offering you the position, for a tiny bit of donation!!
B$5.00 - VIP Position (With the ability to kick/changemap/restartround) + additional 1 slot to the server (Yippee!!)
B$7.00 - VVIP Position (With the ability of all VIP Commands + Ban) + additional 1 slot to the server.
B$10.00 - Sub-Admin Position (With the ability to do all VIP And VVIP commands + additional 2 slots to the server + Blog access (not confirmed) )
So what are you waiting for? Contribute to Brunei Gaming industry now.!
Payment method :- Paypal or Meet up. (PLEASE E-mail me at stabilo_boy@hotmail.com before making any payment)
Essence Server Manager / Chief Admin